The effort rate to buy or rent a home is increasingly exceeding the recommended threshold of 30% of income in major cities.

In the case of leases, it exceeds 40% in Palma, Barcelona, Malaga, Valencia and Alicante.

In general terms, it has already reached 35%, compared to 23% in the case of purchasesThe percentage of income that households need to buy or rent a home is on the rise. In general terms, it has grown to 23% from 21% in the case of buying and to 35% from 31% in the case of renting during the last year, according to a study published by idealista based on data from the third quarter of 2024.La situation is becoming really unsustainable in the provincial capitals, where prices are higher and wages do not grow at the same speed.

In ten of these cities, the effort to rent a two-bedroom home already exceeds the 30% recommended by experts. Palma is the one with the highest percentage of household income (48%), followed by Barcelona (46%), Malaga (43%), Valencia (40%), Alicante (40%), Madrid (38%), as well as San Sebastian (34%). Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (32%), Santa Cruz de Tenerife (32%) and Bilbao (31%). Close to the threshold of the recommended are Seville (29%), Vitoria (28%), Segovia, Cádiz, Girona, Pamplona and La Coruña (which share 26% of the effort). On the other hand, the least effort is requested in Ciudad Real (16%), Teruel (18%), Jaén (18%), Palencia and Huesca (19% in both cities).

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